Mika Ninagawa is renowned for her unique style as one of contemporary Japan’s preeminent photographers and film directors. Ninagawa has consistently focused her gaze on the flickering and transient quality of life. In this exhibition, the artist, involved in a diverse range of expressions, presents her latest plant photographs and videos, were shot in 2021 and 2022 throughout Japan in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. When juxtaposed with the museum’s architecture, with its Art Deco ornamentation, Ninagawa’s works promise to create a place in which various times intersect. While fluttering like a butterfly from one plant to the next, viewers can enjoy this special opportunity to experience Ninagawa’s gaze for themselves.
Not long before this event, Mika Ninagawa – Into Fiction/Reality, an exhibition that began in 2000 and traveled to ten venues around the country, offered a comprehensive view of the artist’s career up to and including the coronavirus era. Here, the artist, whose future activities are always keenly anticipated, presents her most recent works in an alluring collaboration with the museum’s unparalleled architectural spaces. With photographs capturing a moment of reality that is filled with light and easily be mistaken for evanescence, and dynamic video installations, the exhibition will shed light on Ninagawa’s current and future direction.